Monday, October 09, 2006

Concubines for the president

Hello Folks,
Here's a thought. One of the great pathologies of humankind in post-animistic society is the perversion of sex. We have taken something good and pleasureful and made it sick with digust and shame. And yet, we know that a sexually satisfied person is generally happier and calmer than one who is sexually numb or frustrated.

Therefore, I would suggest that we return to the practice of providing concubines for the king. In ancient times, we understood that the more sexually satisfied the king was, the fewer heads would roll and the less likely that the king would leave the comfort of his multi-marital bed to go off to plunder and murder in foriegn lands.

So, let's help our unhappy, insane president get laid. Perhaps then he would stay out of trouble.

The trouble is, would we be able to rustle up any volunteers? I recently saw a bumper sticker, here in our tiny circle of sanity called Ithaca, that read "Won't somebody give this guy a blow job so we can impeach him?"
Best wishes!


At Monday, October 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminds me of a joke:

A poll was taken of a thousand woman asking:
"Would you have sex with President Clinton?"
4 out of 5 responded:
"Never again!"

That said, it is true that: Clinton lied but nobody died.

At Tuesday, October 10, 2006, Blogger MojoMan said...

I saw that bumper sticker about Clinton's lie this weekend. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad and pathetic. It makes me sick to think about how much energy was wasted on Clinton's private sex life by the Republicans and how little they seem to care about stuff like Iraq, KBR, Foley, Abramoff, DeLay, etc.

But who cares? If they can get gas down to 2 bucks before the election so we can drive our Hummers, why should that other stuff bother me?

When will we wake up?


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