Small Changes
If the Dominator System is so powerful, able to manage all input and maintain itself, do we have the slightest chance of changing it? Yes! Absolutely! We can take small risks and create change a wee small bit at a time. There are so many of us! Who knows whether it will be you or I whose smile tips the world balance toward Love?
You—a tiny individual—you don’t have to change the whole system, or throw yourself against the monster and bring its wrath down on your own particular neck. You can change the world with small, random acts of goodness, kindness, caring, listening, questioning, playfulness, lovemaking, or even just enjoying your food. Or saying a simple no. Say no to advertising, for example. Say no to television. Say no to greed.
Refuse to give up your seat on life’s bus. Refuse to obey the rules. Do things a little differently. Speak kindly, even though your old friends call you a dork. Dress differently. Turn off your tee-vee. Do something unexpected. Dye your hair blue.
Raise your hands, my young friends, and question your teachers. Take a day off from school to learn and grow and to be out in nature running around. Who says you have to do homework? Be subversive, kids. What if the whole 9th grade took the day off? Would they suspend you all? Great! Hold school for those three suspension days down at the beach, out in the woods, or visit your county court house, or check out your local library. Get a life! School is not life.
And you and I, wage slaves, let us burst into song at the water fountain! Be merry and full of wild ideas. Sing in the elevators! Sing on the subways! Make your relationships more important than your paperwork. More important than the meeting. Tell your boss how much you care about him or her. Ask, “And how are the kids?” Make relationships more important than television. Teach your kids right from the start that evenings are for tossing balls and riding bikes, reading books and playing interpersonal games.
Here’s another idea: we don’t need as much money and stuff as the Dominators say we do. We certainly don’t need much money when we have friends. I know that the Dominator Culture chastises the poor for being lazy, for not working, and for living off the dole . . . whatever meager dole is still available. But, maybe the poor don’t want those dominator jobs. Maybe the non-working poor have in some small way triumphed over the system. Maybe they are smarter than the rest of us.
Let family come first, and neighbors and friends. We who think we have so much to lose, what if we banded together? What if we started talking to our neighbors again? What if we shared our homes and our gadgets, our stereos and computers and cars and lawn mowers. We’d need less. We connect more. Two wonderful things would happen.
Risk what small change you can. Risk being a fool. Does it seem like you have a lot to lose? Don’t worry about your money! You’ll survive because you have education, critical thinking skills, good work habits, the ability to make connections, to communicate, to love. These are the skills that we really need to thrive. The poor in money are not poor, unless they are also poor in spirit, intellect, understanding, or experience.
Turn off the mind control machine and teach love.
Introduce chaos into your social and personal life. Suggest playing games together as a family, and even though your kids might think you’re nuts at first. If they go along with it, something is guaranteed to happen between you. Go for hikes with groups of others. Grab your power as a citizen and start writing to your legislators. We could send so many letters, make so many phone calls and e-mails, that even the moneybags of the elite won’hold enough gold to drown out our voices.
Vote. Vote your heart. Vote for your beautiful Earth. Vote for people and not for money. Eat dessert first. Stop sending e-mail and write letters again. Be naked in nature. Bake a cake from scratch. If you don’t have the time to make love with your partner, then you’re doing too much. Quit your damned job if you have to, but never give up making love!
Have a great day!