Wednesday, October 17, 2007

how come?

How come I can't just be honest? How come I have to work at a stupid job to make money when food grows on the trees? How come people who call themselves Christians support murder, war and a culture of greed? How come I don't have the time to live my life and do art?

How come so many people are ashamed of their bodies? How come so many people hurt their bodies with bad food and anger?

How come I ask these questions and other people don't.

How come I have to talk to you with printed words, and we have lost the scent and the faces of one another?

Good night,


At Sunday, November 18, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Lily--

You'd be a kindred spirit for my sister and brother, living in Oneonta and Sidney, NY. There is always the hope that cyber links can lead to linkage hand to physical hand.

Thanks so much for being the first non family member to post a comment on my new blog, and a powerful one. I have an older friend who made several Christian Peacemaker trips to Palestine. She knew the young girl killed by an Israeli bulldozer as she tried to stop the razing of a refugee settlement. What can mere words do? More than despairing silence, I am sure.

Shalom, Salaam, Agape,


At Friday, November 23, 2007, Blogger Emily VanLaeys said...

Lilly - But many other people DO ask these questions! Sometimes we have to communicate with printed words because we live too far apart, but thanks to the Internet, people are making so many more connections than we did in the pre-internet days. One other way to connect with likeminded people is via
You form a triangle of prayer with two other people who are praying for a peaceful world. You can also find like-minded people in churches - not all Christians support murder and war! You probably have more like-minded people in Ithaca than we do in other parts of the country. Colleges offer many forums for people seeking positive change. It was here at one of the colleges where we heard Scott Ritter, ex-weapons inspector in Iraq, who told us in 2000 that Bush was looking for a way to start a war in Iraq. That's how I know the congresspeople and senators (like Clinton) who claim that Bush lied to them are full of baloney - if we in Oneonta knew it was a lie before he even told it - they should have known, too!

At Friday, November 23, 2007, Blogger Emily VanLaeys said...

P.S. I didn't mean to say that Bush didn't/doesn't lie - just that believing his lies is no excuse for intelligent, informed people to support the war.


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